Cookie Policy
  • 29 Feb 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Cookie Policy

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Article summary

Last update 29th February 2024

PagoNxt Trade Service S.L (“PagoNxt or WE”) as publisher of this website informs you, as user of the website, of its cookie policy, so that you are aware of the cookies that will be used during your browsing of the website and so that you can give your consent to said cookies.

This cookie policy (the "Cookie Policy") is supplemented by the Privacy Notice for this Website, which can be found at the footer of the Website.

1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded onto ‘terminal equipment’ (eg a computer or smartphone) when the user accesses a website. It allows the website to recognise that user’s device and store some information about the user’s preferences or past actions. These technologies may be used for a wide range of purposes, such as, recognising you as a user, obtaining information on your browsing habits or behaviour on the Site or even offering you personalised advertising based on the foregoing. The specific use we make of these technologies is detailed further on.

For more information on how websites and apps use cookies, go to

2. Data Protection

Under certain circumstances, the use of cookies may involve the processing of the personal data of the users of these devices when they visit the site. This data processing, except in the cases where it is necessary for browsing the site, will be subject to the condition that the users have given their consent after having been provided with clear and comprehensive information on their use, in particular, regarding the purposes of the data processing, with regard to the protection of personal data.

For further information you can contact PagoNxt’s data protection officer by email, or checking the Privacy Notice that can be found at the footer of the website.

3. Authorization to use cookies

We only use technical cookies that are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the site. As explained below, the use of these cookies is exempt from the consent requirement.

4. What types of cookies do we use?

While you browse the site you may find technical first party cookies embedded directly by the publisher. They may also be session or persistent cookies.

To help you understand the types of cookies we use, please find below a detailed explanation of them:

  • Session cookies: these are designed to gather and store data whilst the user has access to a Site. These cookies are not stored on the user's device when the session expires, or the browser is closed.

  • Persistent cookies: these are cookies in which the data continues to be stored on the user's device when they leave the Site and may be accessed and processed during a period defined by the owner of the cookie, which could be a few minutes or several years.

  • Technical cookies. These allow the user to browse the Site and use the different options or services available, including those used to permit the management and operation of the Site and enable its functions and services, such as, for example, controlling data traffic and communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access areas, remembering the elements forming an order, etc. Also included in this category, by virtue of their technical nature and provided that they are not used for other non-exempted purposes, are those cookies that allow advertising spaces to be managed in the most efficient manner, as they are an element more closely associated with the design or layout of the service offered to the user included in the website, application or platform, based on criteria such as the content edited. They do not collect information about users for other purposes, such as the personalisation of this advertising content or other content. Specifically, we use the following technical cookies:

Cookie name





The functionality is to read and filter requests from bots.

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This cookie determines if Javascript is enabled in the current browser.

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5. Update to the Cookies Policy and contact details

This cookie policy may change depending on the cookies used. If new types of cookies are included, the use of which requires informed consent, PagoNxt will inform the visitor and record his or her duly given consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PagoNxt recommends that you review this policy each time you access our website so that you are properly informed about how and why we use cookies and are aware of any changes in the type of data collected. If you have any questions regarding the this cookies policy, you can contact PagoNxt’ s DPO at the following address: with "Cookies Policy" in the subject line.

Finally, we recommend that you check the cookies policy frequently for any changes. Please read this cookie policy in conjunction with our Privacy Notice, also available on our website, which explains how we process your personal information. If you wish, you can download our cookies policy.

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