API Explorer
  • 13 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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API Explorer

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Article summary

Manage your entire payment life-cycle with one API

Payments created using the API can be international or to other banks within the UK. You can use a variety of payment schemes to implement the payments, depending on whether cost or time is a priority for you.

You can also choose to receive notifications when the payment status changes or when you receive a payment, allowing you to access the payment and status information. To enable this, you need to provide the full URL of your API during onboarding, in addition to an API key so that               your API can verify the notifications as being from Payments Hub.

All API operations use message formats defined in the ISO 20022 standard.


  • To see detailed information about the available API operations, and request and response fields, click the included API below. On the opening page, you can find different API versions by selecting them from the API version drop-down menu next to the API name at the top. Note that the live version of the API (shown by default) contains some operations not included in the sandbox version of the API. To see the operations you can test in the sandbox, select the sandbox API version.

  • Payments Hub supports a sandbox test environment to try out the API calls. The sandbox is under continuous improvement. If you notice that you cannot perform some specific operation in the sandbox that you need for your testing, contact Payments Hub support.

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