Payment status and codes
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Payment status and codes

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Article summary

When you submit a payment using a POST pacs.008 request, the payment will have an associated status and response code, including a brief description. You can send a GET pacs.002 request to retrieve this information:

  • Payment status is given in the fitoFIPmtStsRpt.txInfAndSts.txSts field.

  • Response code and description is given in the fitoFIPmtStsRpt.txInfAndSts.stsRsnInf.addtlInf field.

The Faster Payments (FP) response codes for different payment statuses are given in the following sections.

Pending status

Initially, once you have submitted the payment request, Payments Hub sets the transaction status to PEND, until it performs the transaction settlement and an accepted or rejected status is set. In the POST pacs.008 response this appears as PENDING and in the GET pacs.002 response it is PEND.

Accepted statuses

Table: Response codes for accepted payments.

Transaction status

Status code

Status description

Status sent from



Conditionally accepted without qualification. Payments Hub has completed the transaction, but the payment can still be returned until the beneficiary account is credited.

Faster Payments Service (FPS)



Conditionally accepted but the approval date is not specified. Payments Hub has completed the transaction, but the payment can still be returned until the beneficiary account is credited.




Conditionally accepted and approved on the same day. Payments Hub has completed the transaction, but the payment can still be returned until the beneficiary account is credited.




Conditionally accepted and approved on the next day. Payments Hub has completed the transaction, but the payment can still be returned until the beneficiary account is credited.




Conditionally accepted and approved on the next working day. Payments Hub has completed the transaction, but the payment can still be returned until the beneficiary account is credited.




Conditionally accepted and approved on the working day following the next working day. Payments Hub has completed the transaction, but the payment can still be returned until the beneficiary account is credited.


Rejected statuses

All rejected payments have the transaction status RJCT.

Table: Response codes for rejected payments.

Status code

Status description

Rejected by


Debtor account number is invalid

Payments Hub


Creditor account number is invalid or missing

Payments Hub


Amount is more than £250,000

Payments Hub


Currency is a value other than GBP

Payments Hub


Amount has more than 2 decimals

Payments Hub


Debtor address line is missing or is more than 140 chars

Payments Hub


Debtor name is missing

Payments Hub


Creditor name or creditor account name is more than 40 chars

Payments Hub


Debtor name or debtor account name is more than 40 chars

Payments Hub


Creditor name is missing for an overseas payment

Payments Hub


Creditor address line is more than 140 chars

Payments Hub


  • For raw code 0010, the debtor sort code is missing

  • For raw code 0011, the creditor sort code is missing or the value is not 6 digits

  • For raw code 0012, the debtor sort code value is 000000

  • For raw code 0015, the creditor sort code is unknown

  • For raw code 0016, the debtor sort code is not eligible for FPS

  • For raw code 0018, the debtor account number value is not 8 digits

  • For raw code 0040, the overseas payment is invalid for one of the following reasons:

    • End-to-end ID is empty

    • Original amount is zero or negative

    • Exchange rate is invalid or missing

  • For raw code 0048, the payment code is invalid

  • For raw code 0049, the payment code is missing

  • For raw code NARR, for an overseas payment, the payment code is a value other than SIP or 10

Payments Hub


Structured creditor payment reference is more than 18 chars or is missing

Payments Hub


Invalid chars used

Payments Hub

In addition to the above codes, Payments Hub can return any ISO20022 rejected status code. For a list of all possible values, download the ISO20022 external code set and navigate to the 16-StatusReason tab.

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