Postman Collection
  • 06 May 2024
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Postman Collection

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Article summary

The Postman app allows you to send requests to and receive responses from an API, through the use of JSON postman collections and environments.

There are 2 postman collection sets that you can download:


Both collections can be used in the sandbox without having to subscribe to the API. Just download the collections and start sending requests.

  • Payments Hub postman collection

    This ZIP file contains the latest postman collection and environment JSON files you can use in the Postman app to make calls to the Payments Hub API. It also has a TXT file to help you set up and use the collection. The collection has example requests for all supported endpoints and payment schemes.

  • Payments Hub introduction for beginners

    This ZIP file contains a "guided tour" of Payments Hub for developers who are new to using the Postman app. The tour provides a general introduction to using a postman collection, and it explains the basic request types and flow available in the Payments Hub API. The ZIP file includes a customized postman collection with instructions, and an environment file.

    There is also a separate TXT file containing step-by-step instructions for getting started with the guided tour.

The environment in both collections uses the Payments Hub sandbox that provides example responses for all requests and can be used to see the request and response content in practice.


POST requests require a Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer token whose hd claim must match the request body content. You can either use the predefined requests and matching SCA JWT Bearer tokens or, if you want to create your own request body content, subscribe to the API, un-comment the pre-request scripts, and add your own private key details to the environment file. Instructions for using the pre-request scripts are available within the collections.

For more information on the specific restrictions and requirements that the sandbox environment places on the requests, see Payments Hub quick reference.

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